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sebar link: Plumbing System dan Elektrical

Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

Name*:PT Ezra Berkat Anugrah
Email *
Subject*:Plumbing System dan Elektrical
Message*:PT. Ezra Berkat Anugrah is a company engaged in the electrical field support, metal conduit and accessories, and plumbing. Supported by a team of professionals in the art we are ready to serve your company in need of our products.

Supported with reliable products and top brands such as KSS, Unibell, Panasonic in the electrical and Wavin and Rucika, Toro, Ginde, Aeroflex, and others in the plumbing company we are ready to support you with our products, and we are also ready to provide delivery services throughout the Indonesian firm if you need our products in a timely manner so that we can be "your choice for Plumbing and Electrical System!"

Our Vision

Being a reliable partner for companies in need of plumbing and electrical materials in Indonesia

Our Mission

Always be consistent in order to achieve customer satisfaction
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